Cow-Abunga- Steak and Grill Seasoning

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This signature blend is loaded with an arsenal of meat-friendly flavors. Coarse ground sea salt and cracked black pepper are blended with onion, garlic, Worcestershire powder, and savory herbs. Trinidad scorpion pepper gives this rub some backbone, while activated charcoal powder brings out that 'off the grill' flavor...even while cooking on a gas grill, or in the oven. This will be sure to become your secret weapon the next time you get cooking. Don't worry...your secret is safe with us. For best results on meat, allow to dry marinate at least 20 minutes prior to cooking.


A no-brainer for steaks of all kinds
Season ground meat destined for burgers
Toss with roasted potatoes and butter
Works well with making jerky
Great for grilled Portobello mushrooms